What is the network?
The Prince George’s County American Job Center Community Network is a collective of American Job Centers, community-based organizations, government agencies and faith-based organizations providing a full range of services connecting jobseekers to training and employment opportunities in Prince George’s County, Maryland.
Network Members
The Prince George's County American Job Center Community Network is a FREE membership network, operated by Employ Prince George's, that includes Community Based Organizations, Faith Based Organizations, Nonprofit Organizations, Libraries, Government Entities, Service Providers, Educational Entities, Businesses, etc. The Network is comprised of three tiers: Tier I – Service Provider/Affiliated Site, Tier II – Access Point & Tier III – Community Stakeholder/General Member. Almost any entity is eligible to join the Prince George's County American Job Center Community Network.

Joining the network?
Please contact us at EPGCD2@co.pg.md.us or call us at (301) 618-8400.
Network Services
Built on a core Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act principle – PARTNERSHIP, the American Job Center Community Network leverages government funding with community resources and community connections to provide high-quality career services, education and training, and supportive services to the doorstep of jobseekers throughout Prince George’s County.