The Career Pathways For All Program (CPFA) is a free workforce development initiative operated by Employ Prince George's. CPFA aims to break language and cultural barriers, and was developed to bridge the gap between the Prince George's County immigrant & refugee population and workforce development programming and employment opportunities.
Service Provided
- Personalized Career Coaching
- Occupational Training
- Evaluation of Credentials Obtained Oversees
- Bi-lingual Hiring Events
- Access to English Remediation Classes
- Language Translation Phone Line
Unique Programming
- Dual enrollment in ESL remediation and occupational training
- ESL Casa Assessment for foreign-born residents
- Evaluation of credentials obtained overseas
- Bi-lingual Recruitment Events
- Language Translation Line
- Job Club
- CPFA Mentorship Program
General Eligibility Requirements:
- Proof of Prince George's County Residency
- Proof of Family Income (Income guidelines may apply)
- Proof of eligibility to work in the United States
- Proof of Registration for Selective Service(males born on or after January 1, 1960)
If you are interested in enrolling in the Career Pathways For All Program or would like more information, email us at CPFA@co.pg.md.us or call us at (301) 618-8445
The Career Pathways For All Program will provide eligible Prince George’s County immigrants and refugees with the services and training they need to gain employment.