ReEntry Hiring Incentive
Prince George’s County has the second-highest number of citizens returning from incarceration in the State of Maryland. Numerous national studies have shown that steady employment of formerly incarcerated individuals helps to reduce rates of recidivism, gives citizens a promising path back into society, and creates overall economic and social benefits for the community.
The Re-Entry Employment Incentive Program was developed as part of Prince George’s County’s goal to reduce barriers to post-release services, housing, job training, and employment to assist ex-offenders in building sustainable lives and ultimately reducing recidivism. The Re-Entry Employment Incentive Program encourages businesses to hire formerly incarcerated residents by providing a payroll reimbursement.
For qualifying employers that hire qualifying employees in qualifying positions paying at least $15 per hour, the incentive reimburses the business a rate of $5 per hour for up to 40 hours per week, with a maximum of 1,000 hours each year for up to two years.

Application Process
Here’s a breakdown of the steps and application process:
- Introduction: Learn more about the Hiring Re-entry Employment Incentive Program and how it can benefit your business and the community.
- Application: Fill out the application form to express your interest in participating in the program. Provide relevant details about your business and the positions you’re offering.
- Qualifying Employee Form A: After you have entered into an agreement with Prince George’s County Government, complete this form for each employee you hire who meets the eligibility criteria. Include necessary information about their background and the position they will be filling.
- Qualifying Employee Form B: This form focuses on additional details about the employee’s incarceration history, residency, and their readiness to reenter the workforce.
- Payment Request Form: Once your qualifying employee(s) have been hired and are meeting the program requirements, submit the payment request form to initiate the reimbursement process.
We’re here to guide and support you throughout the application process. Our goal is to make it as seamless as possible for you to contribute to the successful reentry of residents and to build a stronger community together.

Prince George’s County Apprenticeship Expansion Fund
The Prince George’s County Apprenticeship Expansion Fund will provide registered apprenticeship employers with a financial incentive (a grant) to fill their registered apprenticeship vacancies, with unemployed or under employed Prince George’s County residents.