The Prince George’s County Workforce Development Board provides guidance and oversight to the Prince George’s County Public Workforce System, branded as the Prince George’s County American Job Center Community Network. As a federally funded workforce development area, Prince George’s County and the American Job Center Community Network provides funding to assist Prince George’s County residents, who meet certain criteria, enroll into postsecondary skills trainings. Under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) and the Prince George’s County Workforce Development Board Policy 2.400.500-02 all federally funded training programs must be certified by the State of Maryland and/or a Local Workforce Development Board.
The Prince George’s County Local Eligible Training Provider List provides Prince George’s County job seekers and Prince George’s County Workforce Development Board Services Provider with information on all of the training providers, courses and trainings certified by the State of Maryland and the Prince George’s County Workforce Development Board. Job seekers and staff utilize the Prince George’s County Local Eligible Training Provider List to research all local training options. The Prince George’s County Local Eligible Training Provider List is continuously updated by the staff of the Prince George’s County Workforce Development Board to provide current and accurate information on all Prince George’s County Workforce Board and American Job Center Community Network approved training programs.
Is your organization interested in providing training services to job seekers? To provide training services to Prince Georges County job seekers your organization must be on the Prince George’s County Local Eligible Training Provider List (Local ETPL).
The Prince George’s County Workforce Board mandates that organization be on the Local ETPL to provide training services to WIOA participants and various other program participants. Becoming a Local ETPL training provider increases the efficiency time to place job seekers immediately into your postsecondary training.

- Be recognized by the Prince George’s County Workforce Board and Local Service Providers as a Certified Training Provider
- Receive referrals for potential students from a Prince George’s County American Job Center Community Network Member, American Job Center, Local Service Center or Workforce Board Service Provider
- Receive funding to train students
- Participate in grants with the Prince George’s County Workforce Board and Local Service Provider
- Participate in Prince George’s County Workforce Board training provider and resource events
If your organization provides postsecondary training and would like to become a Prince George’s County Workforce Board Local Eligible Training Provider, click on “I Want to Add a Program” below.